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An inventor and visionary in the digital world, a U.S. patent holder, and the first female White House CIO, a two-time company founder and CEO, Theresa Payton, was named one of the
“Top 50 Women in Tech” by Award Magazine in 2021. She captivates audiences by drawing on her unmatched knowledge and expertise to help business, association and government audiences safely navigate a rapidly changing digital future.
In presentations that masterfully blend stories from the trenches with cutting-edge insights (and all the flare she was known for as co-star on the CBS hit series Hunted), Theresa helps audiences understand the current impact and future applications of AI, Quantum Computing, Blockchain, Web 3.0 / the Metaverse, the Internet of Things and Big Data for their business. A trusted advisor to companies and governments, Theresa helps organizations of every size balance the risks and the enormous promise of emerging technologies for business transformation and growth.

Keynote : AI and the Future of Us: Navigating the Promise and Perils of Artificial Intelligence
Keynote : Secured Digital Transformation: Innovating Without Compromising Trust